What's an Android proxy server?
Android proxy server is an intermediary between your device and target website: instead of connecting to the website directly, you first go via proxy to hide any identifying info. It works as a bridge letting data flow smoothly and allowing you to tweak things, adding a touch of customization to your online experience.
How to configure proxy settings
2. Tap Wi-Fi.
3. From all the Wi-Fi networks, tap the ⓘ icon next to the Wi-Fi you're connected to.
4. Click on Proxy to see all the advanced options.
5. Change your Android proxy settings. Select Manual.
Enter the Host Name and proxy Port (e.g. gate.smartproxy.com:7000). The same works for both residential and datacenter proxies; only the endpoint:port will be different – for example, gate.smartproxy.com:7000 will become gate.dc.smartproxy.com:20000.
7. Check your IP address that should now be a proxy IP address instead of yours.
How to turn off Android proxy settings
Well, it's much easier than you think. To turn off proxy server settings on Android devices, in configuration step 6, instead of Proxy > Manual, choose Proxy > None.