GeForce 2070 Mining Settings


The powerful new GeForce RTX™ 2070 takes advantage of the cutting-edge NVIDIA Turing™ architecture to immerse you in incredible realism and performance in the latest games. The future of gaming starts here. 



The settings in this guide work for all 2070. The main difference between models and GPU to GPU is the Silicon Lottery. This means your GPU may perform worst or better based on your luck.  


The mining profitability previewed below are calculated using Minerstat widgets. It should be up-to-date and accurate enough to give you a rough idea. The hashrates are from the 2070 mining settings provided below. We will only include the most profitable coin at the time of this article, but if you want to see profitability for different coins, you can use the numbers below and insert them in any mining calculator.  

Core Voltage (VDD): N/A

Power Limit (%): N/A

Core Clock (CClock): -175

Memory Clock (MClock): +1420

Fan Speed (%): 70% ± based on your temps.